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Skills Matter Rakano - Top 100

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Haven't seen a list posted for this so here's what I'm working with in top 100 masters for the final 2017 season push. So far I've been able to push from ~500s to top 100 with this list and I was sitting at 62 wins after 100 games (will update winrate after 50 more games). Full disclosure, I forgot to add Champion of Glory initially and was playing with 4 Crownwatch Paladin and Shogun's Scepter instead (winrate was higher for this stretch but Champion of Glory has been absolutely nuts since being added).

Deck Explanation
Rakano fell out of favor after Omens of the Past was released and fell drastically from T1. Now, with Unseen Commando and Whirling Duo added to the mix it is new and improved. The goal with this list is to run creatures with 2 skills and buff them with Unseen Commando to outpace the enemy's threats at every turn. Our 1 drops only have one battle skill but with weapons that grant skills and Protect we can get them to the point where they are buffed by UC when necessary. The goal of play is to rush out the gates with efficient creatures, weapon them up, dodge removal, and keep our life total comfortably high to prevent our opponents from being able to race us down. Against faster aggro we need to play defensively as more of a midrange/combo deck until we can stick a lifesteal creature and run away with the game.

Not Included
Valkyrie Enforcer
Not running this in Rakano may look terribly wrong but I honestly don't miss it in the slightest and laughably roll over enemy Rakano lists running him. This is probably due to a combination of silence being weaker in the Dusk Road meta and not hurting for flying units due to running Elder's Feather.

Steady Marshal
Doesn't have a battle skill, pass. We aren't hurting for the big butt with all the lifesteal in the list. If you want to run this I'd replace Pyroknight.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
15 14 8 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
14 27 17 4

Card Types
29 10 11 0 25

Aggro Midrange

December 31, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) December 31, 2017



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