This deck is a fun twist on TavGod. The
Treasury Gate provides a steady flow of expendable creatures almost every turn. Tavrod's sole function is to draw weapons for you to throw on the enemy's face, and to feed the Treasury Gate with a steady stream of troops to protect your face.
The first 3-5 turns are hard to pull through. There's enough draw to ensure your mana is more or less keeping up. A starting hand with 3 mana should be adequate to keep you in the game. However, because of having almost nothing to play the first few turns, aggro decks can and will destroy you.
Sword of Icaria should be used liberally as soon as you have the opportunity to use it. Don't save it for creatures if the board is empty. Just equip it and go face. That warcry can come in handy, you will be forcing your opponent to use up his damage or you may even throw off his curve as he could be reluctant at playing creatures that die to your sword.
Your real creature weapons are the
Auric Runehammers and the
Molten Fist.
Smuggler's Stash will eventually be drawn and will give you a chance to refill your hand.
Flamestoker is just there for the fun. You can take it out if you wish. However, it does reasonably well against control decks. It can even act as a constant removal threat. Otherwise it's almost useless. If you are lucky enough it could work with Great Kiln Titan.
Great-Kiln Titan can be really important. People panic and waste precious removal on him. If he survives, he draws cards for you and has a very good chance he can draw a relic (weapon) and deal damage. Even if he manages it once, it's usually good value. I ended up playing him in 6 matches so far, and he was the reason I won in 5 of them.
Rise to the Challenge will give you the right card at the right time. If you are near finishing the opponent,
Icaria, the Liberator is a good draw. If you are short on
Tavrod, Auric Broker on turn 4 then draw that for turn 5. If you are in a stalemate, then Icaria or
Great-Kiln Titan can solve that for you.
This deck isn't as successful as a pure TavGod, because it lacks reliable board presence and Scream decks (which seem to be in right now) have the advantage over you, as well as hyper aggro decks. However, it's a hell of a lot more fun.
I'm happy with the deck size, even though it's +5 the limit. Tavrod's discard mechanic can eliminate a bunch of your deck anyway.
Dark Return could be a good addition, if you don't mind going a bit further over. Currently at 80 cards it's still very reliable on what you draw.