This was a really interesting deck I saw on ladder in Diamond, so I asked the person if they could share it! It looks weird on paper, but such a weird looking deck being in Diamond just makes it more interesting, doesn't it?
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wow this actually sounds decent - well at least on paper xD
I just think its hard to be lethal on turn 5 against certain matchups with lifesteal - factory quota while great will need you to draw a merchant first
It also died prrretty hard to Skycraggro when I played them, since they directed all their burn to my face, and I had Permafrost for the Stranger they wanted to block with. It looks like a real problem for slower decks, and I'm curious how it fares against midrange. But yeah, I almost think there should be a few Factory Quota main deck with how many people are running Vara right now.
I just think its hard to be lethal on turn 5 against certain matchups with lifesteal - factory quota while great will need you to draw a merchant first