The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
I had two things I wanted to ask you. I seem to get power-stuck with this deck. I know there are 2 banners in the market, this helps. But have you ever considered Reclaim or something like that to amp up? And the second thing, with so many valkrye, would it be cool to bring Icaria, Valkrye Captain to get boost valkrye and power?
This deck don't need so much ramp. I change to the 8 merchant 2 banners in market because i always want end with 7 power (8 can play Xo, but opp allways have removal). Reclaim only get Justice Mana and this is a 3 faction deck. Icaria, Valkyrie Captain is a great card, but is not for this deck. 1st the deck is 3 faction. 2nd is hard have 6 J for the Buff. 3rd She can easy be killed. 4th i should play her, use the hability and this would cost 5 mana. The deck is slow and this will make you lose some tempo. Normally you will pick banners from the Market then pick the other cards. I will not pick banners if: Playing against control/combo (Diógo) then i will pick Tomb. Opp have Xo or another good mono faction unit then pick Annihilate. I need a finisher and have enough power and influence.
For playable decks right now this is my favorite. I am a really control player and i love when one of the to say "This is the slow deck in the format".