Hello it's me again , I was inspired by the idea of creation of OTK decks the guy who made "cencary OTK scream" and I decided to make my version of "OTK cencary "through combat ability unblocable . The idea is very simple, we play cencary , it ghostform (for 4 mana) check the hand on dangerous spells or aid sabotage ( already 5 ) takeover buffs like rapit sgoot and shugo tactics ( two buff and the fact 4 + 5 = 9 mana) and the cherry on the cake is the Berserker or we already caught cencary bers either have to give the Berserker in aid of gift of battle ( 10) .It's better.just spend all in one move so as not to kill cencary .
Results for the 9( 10 ) mana, we can put 40 units of DAMAGE !! That's all goodbye