This is a Midrange Carver list that uses wisp synergies to generate substantial card advantage. Common win conditions are the singleton Shrine in the market, killer chains with Grodov's Burden and just drowning your opponents in cards. Carver works well to filter cards and dig for the big payoffs (Merchant, Soulbringer, Eremot's Machinations). Remember that Machinations gives overwhelm, which gives killer units reach, especially when combined with deadly.
The list and market can definitely be tweaked, I've often found the market power not needed, but it does help push the 4 power threshold that the deck really needs to function. Depending on what decks you commonly face, swapping Weary Spiteling for Entrancer can also be beneficial. Swapping in Magenta Wisp is also nice if aggro is common. I wouldn't consider dropping below 16 total wisps, as you may not see enough to push the Soulbringer synergies, and I can see the merit of going up to 20. Needless to say, I haven't done a ton of tuning on it just yet, so there's definitely optimization that can be done.
Overall, if you enjoy sacrifice/void shenanigans and finding absolutely absurd lines to victory, you may enjoy trying this deck out.