What's that? Are you looking for something to mess around with in low Masters? Want to try something different while losing to FJS in Silver II?
Did the nerfs jump out at you and say "Why yes! I do love me some
Well fear not. This glass cannon is designed to steal your heart away. With wonderful features such as +2/+2 off of
Jump Kick, use of fast spells to mess up your enemies, and just an overall feeling of "Why not? I've got two minutes to play."
There's strategy ahoy, though you may not believe me on that. Your fast spells, and order you play them are essential for avoiding all kinds of terrible deaths. You want to play spells on your turn more often than you might feel comfortable with -- as much as I love an end of their turn
Torch, this usually ain't the place for it.
Nothing in the deck costs more than 3. Lots of things cantrip. Enjoy.
Fun deck though, cool idea.
Have done some changes,
change the mana to remove Cobalt Waystone (?) and add 4 shugo Standard
and 2 fireheart recruit to compensate for the mana changes, and not bad creature with all the pumps
add 4 Oni Ronin for extra creature count
and remove to pummel
Currently Climbing up from diamond 3 from diamond 1
My one major concern for you is the Shugo Standard. I really caution the use of depleted power, as you want to do as much as possible in as little time as possible. I get the want for more creatures -- I've been toying with Notorious Scoundrel, as the +4/+2 works a lot like the other cards with a boot of instant and with Longbarrel.
Good luck out there!