This deck has been fantastic on the ladder! I have made a few changes depending on what I see, but the list has been pretty well rounded VS other decks. I have been enjoying the new display of wisdom, was running a 3rd lighting strike and 3rd feeding time, however this serves the same purpose for both by removing a card. Most of the time I am using the place on bottom effect for display of wisdom, works well on most revenge cards, and things that lighting strike can not get with the 4 damage. Lighting strike is your flex card, can be replaced with banish or other such effects, however a 2 drop deal 4 is pretty good seeing how not much is going on in turn 2 for you and if they are going to 3 and drop Whirling Duo it can slow them down among other things such as a 1 time boosted awakened student ect. If you have any questions about the build please ask away! Also will be making a YouTube to start doing deck videos and gameplay! Will update when I get it started to show off some of the games.