After a long day, I finally made Master with this deck, from silver to Master.
The deck tries to ramp to 8 power then play temporal Distorsion and Channel the Tempest in your opponent turn.
I don't play any creature to make every kill spell of my opponent a dead card.
I have found that New Tomorrow is ridiculously good due to the new scout lands.
When all I had in hand was a tutor I often searched the channel the tempest to hit face and draw 3, but eventually I discovered that A New Tomorrow would often be enough to find the fuel cards that I needed.
Lightning Storm
Bad vs control but at least removes aegis, you need 4 just to have a chance vs oni and tokens.
Lightning Strike Treat this as the 5th lightning storm but sometimes it can save you from weapons.
Vanquish I lost count of how many big legendaries I killed, sometimes is dead but Strategize helps
Harsh Rule Nuff said
Find the Way It is good in the starter hand and many times I did celestian omen this to get from 6 to 8 power
Power Stone
Secret Pages Goes without saying, you really need to hit your power drops with this deck, and then some.
Strategize Really good to dump extra distorsions or high cost cards early game, late game I found myself returning sigils to the deck to be searched again.
Wisdom of the Elders
Ancient Lore fith and sixth wisdom, I tried 4 then 0 then Elise choice in it's place but you really need a lot of draw when you have so much power avaliable.
Temporal Distortion is the card that enables the deck, as long as people keep forgetting to pack relics removal.
Celestial Omen
Channel the Tempest you start using this in creatures, then faces.
The Great Parliament The Finisher, plays three to five Owls at the end of your opponent turn.
Silver bullets:
Unseal I wanted a tutorable answer to Gift, I only play one, and really good in the control mirror.
A New Tomorrow This is crazy with the new scout land and Waystones, people are going to start using it I tell you. Paired with Temporal Distortion this card goes off the charts, this is my second answer to gift, in response to it I play this and get aegis... wicked.
Aid of the Hooru Probably the card that was more searched for, because it draws 4 and does everything.
Time Sigil
Justice Sigil
Primal Sigil
Cobalt Waystone I have only found place to one because you really need the basic sigils to be searched for.
Crest of Impulse Yes, off color, it is just that good.
Crest of Fury
Crest of Wisdom
Seat of Progress
Seat of Wisdom
Seat of Order
Cards that didn't make the cut:
Eilyn's Choice with all the habilities that trigger attacking this is awful, I supose even if I found more Channel decks or control matches, I would play 4 unseal over this,
Vision of Austerity would be good in the mirror ,
excavate win-more card only good late game, if I get to late game I already have the tools.
Bad Match-Ups.
Anything with weapons will be a a bit dificult.
A couple of
Dawnwalker really give you hell.
Azindel's Gift
Vision of Austerity
Any red deck with direct damage can kill you even after you stabilize.
I decided I would not play any silences or graveyard hate, in those cases I would just combo FASTER than you.
I have added the sword as an answer to weapons and some extra lifegain.
Also I ended up pitching moondial whenever I could as I never wanted my opponent to draw more
Harsh Rule?
- 1 Find the way
- 2 Secret Pages
- 1 Lightning Storm
- 1 Vaquish
+ 1 Lightning Strike
+ 2 Eilyn’s Choice
+ 2 The Great Parliament
This deck is lots of fun and I’ve had fun playing it. Keep up the great work.
Congratz for your Master and thanks for sharing the idea!
I hear about people running Disjunction, but I've tried a few things, and I think a mixture of Lightning Strike and Excavate (1 and 2 respectively) are the way to go. I've cut the Ancient Lores, 1 Temporal Distortion and 2 Channel the Tempest to make room for a Lumen Reclaimer, 2 Excavates, 1 The Great Parliament, and another Lightning Strike.
It fares a little better vs Aggro, and the Excavates can act as copies 3/4 of many cards (like Harsh Rule, Lightning Storm, Channel the Tempest, or my personal favorite Aid of the Hooru.)
One more thing... nothing is better than Temporal Distortion --> A New Tomorrow --> The Great Parliament. Also acceptable is Temporal Distortion --> The Great Parliament --> Excavate --> Wisdom of the Elders --> The Great Parliament
I highly recommend this deck if you're transitioning from MtG and were a control player. It's super fun to play.
Now they just need to print a Moment's Peace type card.
Don't lightning storm a oni, play power stone instead.
Maybe get couple hits from sundering titan to get to a point where you play temporal distortion and then instant channel or rule.
But rakano is bad, skycrag too I'm not gonna lie. But many times they fold to a good Storm or Hars Rule.
Strategize is OP. Like crazy OP. I valued this card highly when it was spoiled and I undersold how good this card is. If you have one in your opening hand, it just automatically moves that whole hand up a tier.