- Brutality, destruction, and lots of threats. Welcome to Stonescar.
- Between Tasbu, Maiden, Tota Colony, and Rhysta my hand is usually full. Crazy card draw for a SS deck.
- Maiden's underrated. She messes up dude's grave, makes nice weapons to put on Mastery units, and she's Deadly.
- Tota Colony is nuts. +4 attack and Overwhelm on units is sweet and it beefs all the Maiden's weapons in our hand, making the Cudgels 6/2 with Overwhelm.
- When Umbren Reaper attacks and has Lifesteal from Lifespeaker, if Reaper dies he gains you 15 health and dude loses 5. Put one of those beefed up Maiden's weapons on him and now Reaper is 11/3 with Lifesteal/Overwhelm. And if Reaper also got a +4 beef from a Tota Colony while he was in your hand, may the gods forgive you. Expect crazy things like this to happen.
- If dude is at 5 or less just kill a Reaper. I love Reaper.
Enjoy your stay...