Taken me from silver to diamond in less 4 hours. Extremely fun, with a good amount of things being flexible. Yet-pult for example is there for all the aegis going around at the moment and dropping him when he gets deadly or after an assembly line(no obliesk) is a great feeling. The power base could use some work, every now and then I can't play on curve, which is just an instant concede most times VS aggro. But the highlight of this deck for me at the moment is I'm beating icaria(I detest this card lol) blue consistently enough to make me not groan when I see the colors lol. Hope y'all enjoy much as have and if you tweak, please leave a comment and we can.keep brewing ideas. Thanks!
Edit: Have since dropped 1 mystic, 1 equivocation, and 1 raider for 1 Talir (original) and 2 disjunction.