This is the deck that I am working on. I've had lots of success but still trying to tweak it to make it better. Any advice on how to make it better would be much appreciated!
Basically the premises is simple, have lots of air units buffed with Windshaper and Xenan Obyelisk. I would add more crown of possibilties as it works really well with the Echo units and that units have 1 or more attributes already.
Wisdom of Elders, Second Sight makes sure that you can keep drawing, and echo cards make sure you don't run out of cards to often.And second sight gives you more cards from echo
Tinker works well with the 8 relics although I was thinking of switching -1 hour glass for +1 crown of possiblites when I can craft another legend. Eager Owlet is good value becuase all the units exept windshaper are flying.
Sometimes I can finish at turn 4 but games ussually last by turn 7-8 but can also go till longer becuase of Thunderstrike Dragon.
Any tips to make this deck better? Thanks :)