This deck is a modified version of Iso's Hojanless Hojan Hour deck.
DISCLAIMER: This deck is both a work in progress and is also the kind of deck I play at this point in an expansion's lifecyle after the meta settles and I get bored. While it isn't too bad there are better places to spend shiftstone if you are looking for an easy climb (especially Elias who I may end up cutting).
I have been messing around with variations on Revenge decks for a while. The basic idea is to stabilize and fill the top deck with units with destiny then out value the opponent. As usual with revenge decks it can often be a good idea to board wipe a decent position since most of the units will come back. Display of Ambition which is already pushed is awesome late game when it can pull destiny units out of the graveyard and play them automatically while drawing two more cards.
While not in too bad of a spot vs. most of the current meta this deck struggles against FJS variants that run Statuary Maiden. Weights off Teacher can also be a big problem.