Choo choo motherfuckers! Felrauk's freight train will ship anything, anywhere! He'll ship suicidal snakemen, horrid houseplants and even himself! His hard-working staff will dredge up anything that gets lost in the shuffle and ship it back free of charge, good as new (or better).
Essentially, draw and discard with the help of Sunset Priest and Felrauk until your Rosebloom Mandrakes cost 2, then hit them with Savagery and dredge them back. Gorgon Fanatic is the usual suspect with the added advantage of Immortalize letting you hand off their stats and abilities to something else. It's pretty easy to get the train rolling, and once it does it's very hard to deal with all the craziness you can summon up every turn.
If anyone has suggestions on how to make it even better I'd love to hear 'em!
(made some edits. Put in Seats to activate Felrauk faster. Put in Spitefeeders to mill the opponent a bit faster and as a good target for whispering wind)