It's my take on Argenpor Mid, which helped me climb masters this month. After Winchest Merchant nerf I tried Condemn and it pretty nice. Fast 1damage is a good way to pop regen/aegis or save your Rolant, Iron Tyrant from Desert Alchemist. Lots of good 1cost spells currently legal in expedition, so with condemn you can kill any unit or even The Speaking Circle. Builder's Decree another strong card, that can help you vs slow decks.
17/04: 17-11 ECQ with this list
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I love playing argenport and have been looking for a build I feel better about. The condemn options are good, but condemn does soooo little. You're going down a card most of the time, sometimes it is worth it (several ways to pop/kill Svetya) but a lot of the time it just isn't.
Yeah, I agree. This deck was fun idea, that helped me run through diamond. When I faced mainly soldiers and combrei ramp, it was ok; but vs pile of units with more than 1 hp it not impressive. Equalize is a really important reason to play winchest merchant even after nerf.