Now that Livia and Sunset Stone don't nonbo, I wanted to try Elf tribal again - slotting Cylixes and new Acantha into an older Xenan Elves shell.
Market and power might need some work though it felt good to me. Sabotage removes sweepers, Spiteful strike gives Quickdraw and lifesteal to win combats/stablize/surprise lethal on berserk unit. Edict is useful as removal or to get in that last bit of damage. From Below clears out any troubling relics. And bargain is great at keeping you hand loaded. I also liked having Standards for more access to tricks though fitting in some Emblems or symbols may be worthwhile.
Ultimately It's a lot of fun but get wrecks pretty hard by Blightmoth. Good enough for me to climb comfortably from G3 to Masters