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Combrei Midrange

Throne Deck By


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Managed to get into diamond with this list so far. I don't see why I couldn't get to masters with this deck.

I built this deck to punish decks that rely on board wipes to make way for Icaria. I got tired of being rushed down by a flying aegis warcry 5 5/5 hag. I also hated getting beat to the punch with void interactions. With my love for the new yellow cards, I put together a deck that fairs well against Mid-Control Icaria decks and re-animator decks. Also is decent against pure Control decks given you get decent draws and play well. The weakness of this deck are fast, aggressive decks. The new berserk Aggro deck lists can be especially ruthless to this deck. It is possible to win against them, however, it is a bit more difficult and requires a bit more luck than average.

I went with Combrei instead of Praxis because the meta is more control focused instead of aggro focused. You are more likely to come across decks with a lot of board wipes and big late game creatures rather than decks that do a cheap speedy beat-down. With the new berserk lists, the Aggro decks are just starting to be a little more common so watch out for them (looking at you Blitz). Play slow and if you are holding onto a stand together, try to save 3 power by the end of your turn just in case you have to deny your opponent's attempt at killing one or more of your prized creatures.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
21 13 8

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Deck Rarities
8 13 19 22

Card Types
35 6 13 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]


July 18, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

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