This deck has been doing well against the current meta. It defends well against aggro, is bigger than most other midrange decks, and generates quite a bit of card advantage to keep up with control. I'll outline what are new choices for me in Praxis Midrange/Big Praxis archetype.
Cauldron Cookbook - This card shines the most in the late game, out of cards in hand, but are sitting on 10+ power.
Purify - There's almost always a target for this card, and recursion affects are popular at the moment.
Cykalis, the Burning Sand - Can make otherwise mediocre hands keepable as your 3rd power, and is great against sites.
Eternity Core - A fairly costed Sol Ring. Enables a turn 4 hard-cast
Great-Kiln Titan.
Mysterium Orb - Provides occasional ramp, breaks permafrost on 12 main-deck sentinals, pushes damage against board stalls - it's a great enabler.
Diogo Málaga - So good against sites, and great in the late game when you can play and activate in the same turn. Warped, charging, double-damage
Heart of the Vault is no joke.