So this is my latest waste of shiftstone. I find it difficult to pilot but REALLY rewarding to win with. Your basic plan vs Aggro is to control them and win with card advantage. Against Midrange decks, dropping aegis threats and playing clutch with multiple Amps is the plan and vs Control you rain of frogs their strongest play (merchant, Vara, Grasp etc.) And win with Aegis.
Open to suggestions, I feel like there's a good deck here but it's not quite there yet. Sideboard is my current considerations for cards.
Edit: chopped and changed a few things. The deck really only loses to bad draws against most matchups, but notable weaknesses are anything that dodges both hailstorm and vanquish (Statuatory Maiden[card], Lunar Magus etc) Crownwatch Standard is better than Hojan as we rarely need the lifesteal before turn 5 and it's fast and harder to predict. A hooru merchant would really help the deck and get it out of it's 1.5-2 tier standings atm.
Edit: Runehammer is what the deck has been missing for those 4 health threats (maiden, Magus etc.) After some streamlining changes and putting in linebreakers shield (I haven't seen much Reanimator in masters) the deck wins most matchups that aren't fjs pile with maidens varas and riza-hns.
Edits for metagame. Hurler provides snowball vs aggro and a body vs control so worthy inclusion. Banner in the market fixes influence and gets us to 4 power in a screw scenario.
Edit for Homecoming. Deck consistently crushing most opponents thanks to palace and Big Svetya. Throne warden is a placeholder for Omen in the market atm.
Edit: the previous version was riding on homecoming hype and poor decks in masters due to it, so I overhauled it and built this. A more midrange-oriented deck than controlling. The deck has come a long way from previous lists and is finally good imo. Probably going to edit it again soon when it bombs in an odd game though lol.
Edit: more flyers for faster clock, the amillis can straight up win games alone and the hailstorms main clean up aggro really well. No more early units as hailstorming our own stuff is bad.
Edit: deck is now about telut. Works quite well.