Still fiddling with portions, but very close to where I want it; Just partly deciding between Predatory Carnosaur / Mystic Ascendant. Deck's pretty straight forward: Play big oversized shit, smack them in face until dead.
Against aggro, drop wisp's to buy time for your bigger things to come online. Protect your face. Cast Gnash aggressively, it's only a 4/4, but many aggro decks have a harder time dealing with those.
Against control Teacher + Thundering Kerasaur are your big hitters. Once you've slowed their rate of removal, keep 1 threat on the board at a time, PERHAPS 2, but never allow yourself to enter a position where a Wrath wipes you out. This decks shit is big enough for you to be able to slow play your creatures, ramp up, remove mana from your deck, and get more consistent threats.
Drop Gnash when able to have his tribute trigger, even if you have other bigger / stronger options; it's another massive threat, and it's more limited in its utilization. Gnash in your opening hand is also your #1 Merchant target, or Xenan Initiations.