Edit - Trying out Nom Nom's Big Pan over Banish, and so far it looks promising. Also adjusted the powerbase.
An elves list trying to make use of
Feln Adept, not by triggering frenzy, but with static buffs.
Tavia, Lethrai Raidleader,
Mask Maker,
Sunset Stone, and
Glen Pathcutter all provide ways to let Feln Adept attack.
The rest of the cards are cheap units to make use of the buffs, efficient removal, or just good elves. The powerbase is a little shaky, as it's difficult to get T or S on T1, PP on T3 and TTSS on T4. Overall the deck has been working well for me though, as Feln Adept and Sunset Stone are excellent forms of card advantage.
Comments and suggestions welcome!