The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Thanks, I appreciate it. The deck is slightly different now (ultimately Alhed performed better than Cirso so Alhed is 4x in main), but overall I think the list is solid.
Am I correct in assuming against fjs and other greed piles you play it like a combo deck with market shenanigans using CoW, Cykalis and alhed with dusk raider and whatnot as opposed to a standard midrange you might play vs aggro? Seems like you set up big plays a few turns in advance.
Yeah, vs bigger, value-oriented midrange decks you kind of have to hope your Dusk Raider/Alhed survives and you can go off by making a big threat they can't answer because you don't have nearly as much value as FJS-FTP decks. The general gameplan is more aggressive than standard midrange decks though, with the possibility of T2 Stingers or False Princes and then random 10 damage swings off Berserk'd Cykalis, for example.