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Uncommon Applications: Garrote Cage

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




This deck is a part of my Uncommon Applications series of decks, which aims to use low-rarity Battle Lines cards in interesting Throne decklists.

Most of the deck is from past sets, with the new inclusion of Reinforced Reaper. Reinforced Reaper is a new relic weapon with many different uses since it trades with x/3's, can shut down units with 2 or less attack without needing to hit them, and kills any unit for free that fits both of those descriptions.

It's the type of relic weapon that makes an Argenport deck built around Rat Cage work, especially one built around The Nightmare Gates. The original goal of the deck was to pump the attack of your weapons with The Nightmare Gates and other relic weapon buffs, and I think Reinforced Reaper is a good card to improve the deck.

The more notable addition, however, are the Marks, which gives Argenport a good powerbase with a surplus of undepleted power. This is a deck I had before Battle Lines, but it really wanted a larger critical mass of good relic weapons to be good.

Rating: 6/10

This deck is a solid but boring application of Reinforced Reaper. There's probably other relic weapon synergies this deck can use, but the deck works decently well at what it does currently do.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 3

Power Sources
19 18 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 27 22 5 9

Card Types
24 24 7 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Bastion Rising [Set1097]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]

Combo Midrange

November 13, 2023


Eternal Version
Battle Lines

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