Current Throne Grind list.
Felrauks Choice: For reversing Shavkas song and breaking the combo. Also counters Shush, Royal Decree, etc, and clears permafrosts and other weird curses off Shavkas.
Char: Hold against the mirror for Mirror Image or Clutchmate on Shavka. Clear minor threats, break haunting scream Shavkas if they will achieve their mastery or you suspect a Dark return followup will do it in two turns.
Granite Waystone - produces extra cards for merchant, honor of claws, and devour.
Generally, play as many Shavkas as possible as often as possible but watch your opponents colors and know what you need to do to play around their hate - Avigraft, Shush, Royal Decree, etc. You can combo off all at once with Shavka/Devour/Scream into Mirror Images and more selection, but it's better to develop Shavka overtime against all but the most dedicated hate decks.
This version forgoes most card draw for selection and puts the eggs all in one basket. We tossed expensive cards like Hurler and Honor and took the Felrauks choice down to 3 to have more consistent results against non-hate, non-shavka decks.