So you know that Even Bounce deck that made the rounds a while back?
It kind of reminded me of this idea I had a while back. I've seen people try to make
Madness-based decks before, usually using some sacrifice outlet to get extra value out of it. My take on it was a little different - what if you used Teleport to steal the unit permanently?
The deck was pretty awful. At best, you'd hit 5 power before you did anything, and even then you'd have to wait another turn before having any board presence. The deck couldn't strike the balance between being too unreliable and having a bunch of slow or dead cards in hand.
Until now! Evenhanded Golem makes the early-game more forgiving while more reliably drawing the value suite, and while the deck is still firmly in jank territory, it's actually fun to play. So instead of getting mad, I'm getting even.