The idea for this deck was to use flexible and value threats and board wipes to generate card advantage. I wanted to give this color combination a try without stuffing it full of curses.
The small bodies (Feln Bloodcasters, Smugglers, Varas and Stonepowder Alchemists) are to help shore up the health total and provide value before the wipes come into play. Then you either trade and scrape out value and stall until you can slam down a Site (upgrading a small threat) or a big threat.
Any help as far as composition is concerned is certainly welcome. This deck struggles early with decks that go wide quick (getting under the wipes) and early power problems (getting to 5 power quick enough for a wipe in time).
Rost was another threat I'd like to see in here, but I wouldn't know what to cut. There are no combos, I enjoy straight value grind control.