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Gorgon Control v.2.0

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




A WIP over my old Gorgon Control deck.
trying to change something to fight back the aggro meta (too general! hate it so much xD)

I ditched the Direwood Beastcaller and Acquisitive Crow here because in ranked match, probably when the 1st time you summon it, they either will be killed or silenced.
so i put Recurring Nightmare instead, charge, bouncing after hit (+ 2x the attack, is good imo)

i put the 1cost power card that give unit Revenge skill.
So imagine this:
Gorgon Fanatic + Haunting Scream + Swear Vengeance + Dark Return

Recurring Nightmare + Haunting Scream

I put Disrupt here too, good for eliminate opponent's relic/curse/silence a unit. (i didnt know this card exist lol, just barely unlocked it)

Still keeping Whispers in the Void for defending in late game / last resort finisher.

I ditched some Madness too in here, and replace it with Abduct, and Sabotage, useful for early turn and will have some powers in midgame later to reserve.

Why i made it to 78 cards? (additional +3powers card)
because this was so rigged for me with 25 powers in 75 cards before. seriously, i always stucked in 2 or 3 powers, while my opponents were aggro users (thats why i hate em lol)
so i added some powers now, welp, kinda working, but it's better than before.

Early game (1 to 4 powers):
Observe the game, control it first. Use sabotage / Abduct / Rain of Frogs to see your opponent's cards, at least.
if you have none of them, Strategize or put Gorgon / Nightmare is useful. Or Eye of Winter if you're unsure.

Mid Game (5 to 8 powers):
pretty much you have at least wiped the board clean, or will just leave a tiny opponent's unit in the board. use Haunting scream combo with gorgon to draw. But if the situation is safe, using Recurring Nightmare is good too.

If you're not sure, use Jotun Feast-Caller or the 5-cost powers relic weapon.

PS: make your opponent shocked with Stray into Shadow to wipe clean his/her units

Late game (8++ powers):
keep your composure, if safe, attack with Recurring Nightmare and the Tormentor's Minion.
(DO NOT REVIVE THE TORMENTOR, unless it's situational and you're confident enough to end the game with your win)

Watch out if you have only 1 to 2 powers in your opening hand. pretty much you will get stucked and dunked on later.

Do not hesistate to kill aggro unit (the one that disturbing this deck is, a 1 to 2 cost unit with warcry/ +1 power / Infiltrate [ex Teacher of Humility]

With Recurring Nightmare, at least you can fight up the Weapon type's deck.

Well, i dont have that much money and havent unlocked all the cards, so i bet this is not completed yet, but if you have already unlocked it, maybe you can change some cards.

and for sideboard i havent think it yet. XD

I appreciate any comments and opinion here.
Best Regards :)


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
19 16 8

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Deck Rarities
17 30 16 2

Card Types
6 4 41 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


September 8, 2018


Eternal Version
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