The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
rarely copy a deck from Eternal Warcry but this does some magic! I don't have all the crests so I substituted them with banners.
I love how it adapts from aggro combo to control.
I also adjusted some cards according to my playstyle. I have full 4 smugglers (Red Canyon and Hidden Road), for easy access to the market and added a Makto just in case.
I have been running this for a day now, and it is pretty great. I am curious why you run the crests though. This deck feels like it wants to be a bit more explosive, meaning that those would be a bit less relevant.
I've been happy with Interrogator, but an extra Vara also sounds very good - one card less to get with Tavrod, but she is the best unit in the game. My real feeling has been that in most games all the cards I want to play are in the maindeck, with the market serving as a situational answer toolbox. So HRS just felt like a weak creature here.
I love how it adapts from aggro combo to control.
I also adjusted some cards according to my playstyle. I have full 4 smugglers (Red Canyon and Hidden Road), for easy access to the market and added a Makto just in case.
Congrats on the top 8 and on this awesome list