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ManuS' Hooru Control

Throne Deck By
Eternal Titans


Cost Curve




My new Hooru Control with Dead Reckoning. You can find the full deck tech on it here:
Deck Tech Video Series

If you want to watch me brew, tune and test the deck you can check out this recent stream highlight:
Stream Highlight


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4

Power Sources
16 17 3 11

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
21 21 25

Card Types
8 7 35 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


March 11, 2018


Eternal Version
Dead Reckoning

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



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ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
4 polymorph is way too many also eye of winter and rider take good enough care of dawnwalker and makto isnt even a card anymore. bring down and levitate is too gimmicky and situational and eats up too many slots. i considered it and it is just not good. u cut a lot of good and necessary answers for worse answers basically. choice is also extremely important both vs charge and vs other control decks as a counter. Pacifier turns on opposing removal and ur own weapons off and is also pretty underpowered and low impact. none of these changes make the deck any better but rather worse unfortunately. I recommend watching some of the stream footage to see how well the deck handles dawnwalkers and the like the way it is if u had trouble with those. also emerald monument is a horrible card in a controld eck and just makes ur powerbase slower for no relevant gain.
mindthief666 Eternal Version: 1.29
Thanks you for publishing a deck that is so boring to play against.
Trick Eternal Version: 1.29
Hi there,
I've tried this deck today in low masters and had mediocre success with it.
My biggest issue was that I had a lot of trouble dealing with recurring threads. (i.e. Dawnwalker oder Makto)
How do you handle those usually or do you think there is a way to include some silences into the Deck.

Regards Trick
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
That's what Rider and Eye of winter are for. If you watch my stream highlight you will see that the deck can easily slug through a lot of dawnwalker recursion even without eye or rider to stop them. But yeah they can sometimes still get u if they have too many too early and even obelisk to back them up and u dont find ur eye or ur hand is generally not grindy enough to grind them out. but yeah i mean u cant beat everything all the time unfortunately.
Trick Eternal Version: 1.29
Yea, thought so.
Have you ever considered including unseal or protect? I've faced a lot of control decks and against them it seemd to help me a lot.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
i did. protect is doing to poor of a job for the slot and unseal while good vs control the cards that matter most are channels and other things choice can counter so id rather play 4 choice and unseal is just too bad vs too much. imagine ur makto or dawnwalker scenarios for example where u r fighting to grind the opponent out and then u get a situational draw like unseal and then u just want to kill urself. i think there is just not enough need or reward for having a narrow card like unseal in ur deck compared to what it costs u to run it. i mean sure gift is a big problem for the deck but having unseal in ur deck likely is a bigger problem more often and when u dont draw ur unseal before they draw gift it is also not gonna help ur situation since under a gift unseal is skipping ur draw step^^
Lalakoboldslayer Edited Eternal Version: 1.29
Hi ManuS,

I wanna ask about Hailstorm, you only have 3, but wouldn't it be better to have 4 ?
I mean, it's not usefull in every match, but in the matches it's usefull you need to get it as fast as possible.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
It is definitely possible that there should be 4 especially if u face more decks that it is good against. you can maybe cut a strike for the 4th storm.
ChilliHat Eternal Version: 1.29
I there, I've been looking for a control deck to build (I only started playing like a week before dead reckoning). Does this deck really not want Hooru Pacifiers? I saw so much hype around the card coming into it. Anyway, thankyou for a control deck with no Legendaries!
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
Pacifier is a terrible car din a control deck. it just gives there removal sth to do without doing much for u. it is ok as a sideboard card vs some deck that cant really remove it but vs those u can do better still. the no legendaries is just concidental but there are actually not a lot of good legendaries for control decks since most of them are flashy midrange units and control mostly doesnt want those at least not traditional control.
dktfury Eternal Version: 1.29
Loved this deck to play with and to play against it.
In a meta with tons of Aegis and way better control, this is a gift for those who come here copy this and goes to leader, its like free win for the most populars deck at the moment.
Anyway its a good list, but not for whats playing atm.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
I cant say that's true. also regarding supposed way better control. what have u had trouble with?
dktfury Eternal Version: 1.29
Im not having especific problems, I take master like 3-5 days each season and I enjoy to play with diferent decks.
Like I said i loved this list, but against same matchups you ended up with 4-5 removals and your oponent are runing no creatures or with aegis.
Dont get me wrong I think if the meta changes a little bit this deck can fly even higher, he does now but some matchups are a pain in the but ;)
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
I mean there is one deck that runs no units which is another control deck and it is only played a bunch. dont see how the performance of the deck has much to do with the metagame right now. the deck definitely has its issues but they are very little related to the metagame.
SilentNSly Eternal Version: 1.29
Why the one Crest of Vengeance?
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
Explained in the video. same as the other 2: scout :)
jakecard Eternal Version: 1.29
Loving playing this deck so far, you're totally right that it's just like the Blue/White Magic decks I used to love. Thanks a ton dude!

Question: with the way the meta is shaping up right now, do you still think 3 copies of Hailstorm is useful? I'm seeing a lot of midrange and not much aggro, so it's been a dead card in my hand quite often. Wondering if there's something else that would be better in the slot now.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29

Nah card is still too good when its good.
jakecard Eternal Version: 1.29
Makes sense, thanks! Looking forward to your next deck tech.
Wurzelbert Eternal Version: 1.29
A low shiftstone cost control deck that actually works for me.
Thanks a bunch!
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
You are welcome :)
Riffler Eternal Version: 1.29
No. Just no. Both of your units are vulnerable to being deleted with In Cold Blood, leaving you with essentially no way of winning other than Runehammers and Channels (and Face Aegis neuters that because you have no way of popping it). Also no answer to Azindel's. Cut the Strategize and put in a Primal unit and you might have a deck, but it will still lose to Feln Control every time..
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
gift is a problem yes and not one that has a good maindeck solution but the rest is simply not true if u play properly. u can watch me play around in cold blood and beat feln control easily in g1.
synack Eternal Version: 1.29
I've been playing a version of this and I've had a great matchup against Feln.
Silvernight Edited Eternal Version: 1.29
There are no storms, that is, we say, hit us with a face please. No thanks, the deck is not for us.There are no swords again, no ..
Uktul Eternal Version: 1.29
Do o know what is Hailstorm...? dont talk about lightning strike please lol
Silvernight Eternal Version: 1.29
If you do not understand that it's about lightning storm, it's your problem, do not distract by nonsense, please.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
you mean nonsense like ur usual comments? There are 3 hailstorms. havent needed sword for anything so far.
Silvernight Eternal Version: 1.29
I talked about lightning for 2 manna, and what you thought up yourself, these are your problems, learn how to talk adequately.
BonkyBloopy Eternal Version: 1.29
Ok, telling ManuS to “learn how to talk adequately” is not only super douchey since English is not his first language, but also extremely hypocritical, since your English is significantly worse than his.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
aside from the fact that there is nothing wrong with what i said aside from using some internet shortcutting^^ not even some of my occasional typos ;)
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
that card is unplayable since we got hailstorm
BonkyBloopy Eternal Version: 1.29
Ok, the guy you are replying to is an idiot, but still, calling lightning storm unplayable is just silly hyperbole. Is it significantly worse than hailstorm in most situations? Absolutely. But unplayable? Certainly not. Against Stonescar, Skycrag, and Grenadin, having a sweeper on 2 instead of 3 can be very important, especially on the draw. Also increasing the odds of drawing an early sweeper on time by having more than 4 can make a big difference as well.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
it was a hyperbolic statement yes. but in a deck like this it actually is virtually unplayable since the difference between turn 2 and 3 isnt relevant enough, the downside of only dealing 2 is way too huge and makes the card way too narrow in a control deck in comparison and was a huge problem with storm before since u needed it vs a few decks and it was horrible vs a ton of others and u also really dont want them on top of 4 hailstorms in a deck with 4 harsh rule in my opinion since u eventually dilute ur deck too much with situational low impact/early game cards hurting ur lategame. but sure card still has potential to pop up in decks that have a lot of 3 health units themselves but need to fight lower to the ground go wide stuff at least from the sideboard. in fact i ran a hooru midrange deck last saturday with 3 lightning storm in the board and 0 hailstorm in the 90 :)

so yeah i should have been more specific about thinking it is basically unplayable in that kind of deck :)
Silvernight Eternal Version: 1.29
Okay, you said yourself, but still, do not waste my time, exposing yourself in public fool, thank you.
BonkyBloopy Eternal Version: 1.29
I don't think even you have any idea what you are trying to say, but I can guarantee no one else does
Strategist Eternal Version: 1.29
I replaced privilege of rank with 2 icebreaker yeti...helps a lot.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
sure cut 4 power sources from a control deck that needs a lot of power and alrdy runs rather too few than too many and replace them with a mediocre draft uncommon^^
Strategist Edited Eternal Version: 1.29
This is a great doubt whatsoever...but I was just expressing my opinion.
I am sorry if you feel otherwise.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
no need to be sorry. just trying to make clear why this is a really bad change/decision.
Gregorious Edited Eternal Version: 1.29
This is a great deck. Fancied a change from my main Feln control deck. Wanted something that didn't cost the earth and could hold it's own in the current meta.This is doing admirably. Love White/Blue control in MTG : )
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
Thanks! Cool :)
Sjoraiev Eternal Version: 1.29
Thanks for this! I tried out the first version of your deck during your stream (minus the crests) and it's been working well. It's given me some memorable games on the way to masters this month. I never thought I'd be able to deck out chalice and draw my entire deck against grenadins. What would you consider cutting for a pair of Rain of Frogs in a control heavy meta? It's obviously a dead card vs aggro but having a way to hit SotSK or Gift or just to break face aegis for channel (probably the deck's only weakness) sometimes makes all the difference.
ManuS Eternal Version: 1.29
Rain is really bad in this since u have no good way around face aegis. I dont even have them in my sideboard for that reason. u can handle sword with ur hammers, strikes, channels and units. Gift sucks but there is likely no good way around it. I guess you can run a singleton Unseal or Visions of Austerity main but they are gonna be pretty bad most of the time and need to be in ur hand when u r being gifted. Running ur own sword is better than sth like rain main. The deck also actually does surprisingly well vs most other control decks outside of being gifted out of the game basically. so if u run into a lot of those just play sth else since there is no good fix for it.