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[Masters, Rank 1] Fast Stonescar (NERFED)

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




An updated version of my previous Stonescar deck ( Since Hellion has been nerfed, I've reduced the number of copies in the deck to 2 and also removed Vara's Favor since we are not as concerned about hitting 2S influence now. I added market access instead. I was able to climb quickly from Gold III to Masters with ~80% winrate playing this.

Update for April - This deck once again carried me from Gold III to Masters in just a few hours game time. It's currently sitting at Rank 1. The only change I've made is cutting 1 copy of Midnight Reprieve and replacing it with a standard Fire Sigil to reduce depleted power draws. I've been using every market card except for Repurposed Wares, so I think that can easily be replaced with another card if you want to make a substitution.

Update for 4/24/2024 patch - Both Grove Supplier and Calm Instructor have been nerfed. Calm Instructor has lost Charge which significantly alters the play patterns for this card. I am not updating the deck, but be aware that these nerfs will appreciably reduce its aggro capability.

Expedition Information

Expedition #29
October 18, 2023
Behemoths of Thera [Set14] Battle Lines [Set15] The Devouring [Set1145] Separate Ways [Set1155] Behemoths of Thera Reprints Battle Lines Expedition Vault Battle Lines Reprints Grand Excursion Save the Day Gareth, Veteran Lantern Colossal Rodent Altin, Bird Whisperer Surveying the Rift Morbid Deal Patrice, Outcast Queen Protective Crow Dran the Farmer Tripwire Trap Coerce Back to Back Nomnom, Epic Epicure Monarch Cloak Citycrusher Gekkota Menace Furious Accusation Aggressive Meeting Bounty Board Finneas and Finneas The True-Sight Map Eris Beastbane One Eye, the Huntress Unlikely Pack Tight-Lipped Ziat's Crackdown Defy Authority Steelwarren Noble Enormous Anura Corrupted Croaker Squash Belief The Hive Falls Invitation Eyes of The Hermit Krogar, Unburdened Rift's Edge Telia, Perfect Timing Altruistic Bonepicker The Beast Slicer Working Together Injustice Seek Refuge Steelwarren Rebel Lystia, Flighty Mistral Sky Race Gareth's Advice Scared Beetender Vara, Decisive Action Svetya, Demand Justice Talir, Looking Forward Eilyn, Battle Ready Queen Corrupted Riftborn Riftbreak Aeda, Heretical Forgemaster Ageless Knight Icy Scrying Listening Bug Marvelous Imperion Master Archivist Mogen, Demagogue Ooze Tower Unstable Hellion Zadia, Fearsome Outcast Zephyrus, Unparalleled Youngblood Guide Boundless Hunger Cuno, Localized Rewind Camrin's Sniper Rifle Deathless Lurker Led Astray Zora, First Responder Ancient Agreement Sparring Session Conscriptor General Rite of Purification Daisuke the Imposing Shade-Drinker Subdue Veena's Masterpiece Tenacious Heron Veena, Rising Queen First Shipment Murgo, Reluctant Councilor Fundraiser Sightless Tunneler Friendly Discount Feral Centipede Crisis of Faith Akalur, Hecaton's Chosen Akalur's Ravager Lost Traveler Proof of the Journey Paranoid Sheriff Well-Traveled Waystone Commander Ironthorn Evelina's Insight Ghodan's Takedown Velok, the Witherflame Alliance of Convenience Untapped Rift Mouth of the Hermit Omniscience The Rending Squall Abhorrent Revival Sky Hive Protector Winter Tomb Protective Embrace Phila, Honey Chef Marrow Cutter Steelguard Queller Night Terror Coslo's Advice Lada, Regent of Kosul The Wayportal Heroic Feat Obstinate Swarm The Hermit's Rift Subject to Nightmare Inferno Mane No Happy Endings View All


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
16 14 8 3

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
7 32 24 3

Card Types
33 4 18 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Devouring [Set1145]


April 9, 2024

February 5, 2024


Eternal Version
Battle Lines

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) April 9, 2024



AR_Evade Eternal Version: 24.01.31
I’ve been playing this list for awhile and it doesn’t do well at all. It usually mulligans to 6 or can’t curve out the first 3-4 turns.
AR_Evade Eternal Version: 24.01.31
We have very different win rates. I started at the bottom and have plateaued in gold 1.
AR_Evade Eternal Version: 24.01.31
So I’ve just gone 7-3 but the deck definitely has some rough streaks as well.
neonharvest Eternal Version: 24.01.31
I haven't been playing much recently, but just loaded up this deck and went 10-1 with it. It shouldn't have any rough streaks and rarely warrants a mulligan to 6. Playing the deck optimally depends on observing what influences your opponent plays at the start of the game and picking the appropriate units and level of aggression. Keep in mind that this deck doesn't need to empty its hand by turn 4 like many other aggro decks. It's great when we can rush the board with Calm Instructors, but even if you don't play perfectly on curve as long as you keep can keep the opponent from accumulating health you should be able to run them down even in longer games.
AR_Evade Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Must be skill diff.
efertik Eternal Version: 24.01.31
It seems that we continue to agree on most slots in Stonescar Aggro but disagree on a few key ones. I continue to strongly believe that not playing Murgo is inexplicable - he's the best 2 drop in Expedition. Yes, getting to 2SS is a bit difficult, but the payoff is worth it. I also don't quite understand Ticking Grenadin - you have plenty of 1 drops and this one can't get past most two or three drops to attack. Finally, I agree that this deck is probably the best aggro deck in the format.
neonharvest Edited Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Ticking Grenadin is essentially a Torch to face plus whatever chip damage it manages to sneak through. Because the body hits for "only" 1 damage, opponents often won't waste removal on it so you are paying 1 to do deal 4, 5 or even more damage which is worth its 1 cost IMO. If they do have a blocker, you have the option of playing Rapid Shot (or simply bluffing that you have Rapid Shot can be enough to keep it unblocked). Grove Supplier can turn it into a 2/1 which can trade against more 2-drops. And then there is also the option to combine it with Combust. It's also a decent topdeck to close out a game once you have the opponent down to a few health on account of its Entomb. If the game is close to over it's one of the better options for Calm Instructor to Recruit. You can get creative with it too. I've had several games where its Entomb broke face Aegis, allowing me to take the next step of finishing off an opponent with Liquid Flame or playing Feed the Hecaton.