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Ryukyan Battlecry (Oni Combo Gauntlet grinder)

Throne Deck By


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This is the first deck i feel shareable. it was ment as a fun no brain deck but turned out amazingly good in gauntlet/casual and IS fun.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section, i always seek for improvements.
It has the weak spots of an common non valkyrie warcry Rakano deck (Flying, Harsh rule/board vipes/silences/skycrag). For that reason i didnt try and wouldnt recommend it in ranked yet.

Main Info:
Rakano based Deck with lot of oni interaction.
= use warcry asap to boost your units
= main ankle is jishu-quartermaster-kyojun
Use Telut/Marshal for ramp&as defence option
Use Killspells for strong mofos and to overcome bad starts, kill the rest in combat like a true ryukyan ronin.
Use NOT more than 1 Quartermaster on board (Jishu+Shoguns Sceptre+2 quartermaster= faster draw as you want)

Budget Version:

Jishu and quartermaster build the main core with kyojun as extension, try to have them at least 2-3 times each.
other -especially Legendary- units (Kemmo, Marshal, Telut) are exchangeable with random renown/warcry onis; you can also take navani if you got her somehow. I use her aswell because i dont have Kyo 4 times yet.
Exchange Telut/Marshal with units having power draw abilities or with power drawing spells
Exchange the site with kill- or fast buffspells.

I wouldnt recommend more than 8 weapons because you get a lot else.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
19 19 9

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
25 12 7 4 12

Card Types
26 8 10 2 29

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]


May 26, 2019

May 25, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

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