100% meant as a fun deck to mix it up in Gauntlet.
Shepherd's Horn is a pretty powerful card. Originally I built a deck designed to use horn as a lifeforce enabler, and while that deck could have a lot more crazy things happen, it wasn't very consistant. Horn's number one problem right now is the lack of Overwhelm units on the lower end of power costs. You can't just wait until turn 3, play a horn and hope to get there without doing anything before that.
This deck was designed to make getting through the early turns a bit easier. And what better faction for early defense than Combrei?
Knight-Chancellor Siraf even has overwhelm herself, turning her into the best "
Combrei Healer" (which we don't run.
We try to play a bunch of 5+ Power units (or as close as we can get with
Copperhall Elite) to bring back our Dawn Walkers, to stall up until the ol'
Striking Snake Formation finisher (and as we have overwhelm on as many units as possible it truely is a finisher most times and not just a board clear). A one of
Talir, Who Sees Beyond sits in the command tent blowing the Horn of battle (and every unit in the deck happens to work with her.) It can be a bit difficult to get to her power cost (due to
Amber Monument cutting down on our power draws later), but with an initiate and a horn out she isn't as far out of reach as she seems.
All in all I think Horn decks will continue to get better in the future and actually feel pretty powerful. If we seem some more mono-time 1-3 drops with overwhelm I think Horn might turn into the best lifeforce enabler possible.