In this monthly series I take a deck that I enjoyed playing on ladder and post a video in which I explain the idea behind it, talk about potential swaps you can make and play a few games to show it in action.
In the second episode I talk about an old classic, originally made by Isomorphic, that I tried to up-date, JPS Keelo Combo. The main plan of the deck is to grab Keelo on turn 3, play Deathwing, Pack or Herron on 4 and to sacrifice whatever you played for Keelo on 5 to get Camoni. Locking the opponent out of spells will make it more likely that Keelo and Camoni survive to go for Vara + shade effect on the next turn. From that point onward you can lock the opponent out of spells for several turns. Alternatively, you can also win games with a midrange gameplan, as you can see in the decktech + gameplay video:
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
The only way to Keelo for 5 is Blight-Pass if she attacked twice and survives and I don't like any 5-drop with 1 battle skill enough to play it over the 4-drops (especially considering that a 5-drop would slow down the Keelo curve).