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Ixtun aggro/mid gauntlet grinder

Gauntlet Deck By


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Hi yall, been a very long time since I posted anything here, but this game keeps pulling me back into it. Honestly, the inspiration of this deck is just I wanted something to help me get my factions to level 100 and I already have time and shadow done lol. But I've worked on this a fair amount, tweaking it and improving it, it's winning me a lot of games and I haven't seen any up to date ixtun gauntlet decks in the database that are any good, so I figured I'd share.

That said, this is basically a "good stuff" deck, nothing really revolutionary here. A very solid power base that allows you to curve out easily, the best 2 drops threats that will let you run away with the game, Jennev Merchant and Vadius, Clan Father to carry Gemblazer Cannon which is an incredibly efficient weapon for closing out games quickly, Valkyrie Enforcer still one of the best cards in the game (and possibly the single best justice card for gauntlet), and at the top of the curve we have Vargo Redclaw , a solid threat that dodges a lot of removal and conveniently can be used on t1 to fix your power, and Ossuar Longbow is just insanely efficient and versatile card in this deck functioning as a removal spell and a way to push through a ton of damage (I could see maybe going up to 3 copies but not sure what I would cut).

For the removal/spell suite:
- 4 Torch and 3 Permafrost : don't need much explanation, incredibly efficient removal and perfect in this deck because they help you keep up with the most aggressive aggro decks, and quickly swing the tempo in your favor against the more midrange/control decks.
- 4 Ixtun Cargo : power fixing that gives you value in the late game, and it's honestly the best color combination of the Cargos because there are a lot of cheap spells in our colors that keep up the tempo, or cheap threats to carry our weapons and pump spells
- 4 Display of Honor : Just another great versatile card. You will almost never use the 3rd mode to retrieve weapons, but the pump spell combined with lifegain will win so many games on the spot, and the transformation ability will take care of any problematic threats at instant speed
- 1 Vanquish : just a good card to have 1 of. I don't like having more than 1 copy of this card in my gauntlet decks, but drawing 1 is rarely ever a bad thing.

The market is pretty self explanatory, some removal, burn spell, threats. Can be changed around to your preference, but this has worked pretty well for me. Kaleb's Choice is probably the least useful card, but every once in a while being able to blow up an Obelisk at instant speed is pretty good, and if you've played a lof of gauntlet, you know which decks have big spells to watch out for (Harsh Rule, Deep Freeze, etc.)

This deck isn't perfect, but it's very consistent and the games are fast, and that's what you really want with a gauntlet deck. It does struggle with certain matchups, but nothing is unwinnable, and once you have a bit of experience you have a better idea of which cards to play at what time to swing those in your favor. Enjoy!

EDIT: Just remembered, I should mention that the absolute worst matchup for this deck is ones that put a lof of big weapons on their units, so watch out for those. Try to use your removal spells and units to trade with the enemy units as much as possible, they will often wind up with a bunch of weapons in their hand they cant use while you close out the game with your remaining units. For wings of the Valkyrie matchup, you gotta try and be as aggro as possible because they have both large flyers and equipment you need to outpace. That deck isn't so bad because permafrost does a lot of work, the more worrisome matchup would be forgemasters


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

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Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
7 7 9 5 8

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Deck Rarities
13 21 23 9 9

Card Types
28 9 16 1 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Homecoming [Set1005]

Aggro Midrange

December 12, 2023


Eternal Version
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