One of the overlooked buffs from recent balance patch is that
Rindra, the Duskblade is now an elf. So Feln elves should have increased power level; this is what I came up with. This is a midrange build that plays along the same lines as Stonescar or Urchinport, but with more
Haunting Scream shenanigans. Also,
Champion of Cunning is a really powerful late game win condition with great synergy with
Blight Pass Smuggler. Finally,
Tavia, Lethrai Raidleader finally finds her spot by buffing all the elves for extra damage.
Special notes: Don't forget to look out for
Zende, the Heart-Binder lethals when you've already used the Scream on Rindra. Mostly you want to scream Rindra for this reason. Also,
Dark Return is in the market for a similar reason to pull a screamed Vara or Rindra for charging lethal.