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Pretty good Azindel-Vara-Mask if i say so myself, also Caiphus

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




I remember Importing this deck a couple of weeks ago (don't remember from who), but after that it evolved into this thing, pretty standar for a TSJ.

Stonepowder Alchemist and Temple Scribe are really good to feed your Mask of Torment

Desert Marshal is great against early aggro decks, but sometimes is good to hold on it to silence other threats later on.

Vara, Vengeance-Seeker, Caiphus, Wandering King and Azindel, Revealed are your big units. Azindel is frecuently your win condition.

Wanted Poster is for draw obviously, but if you have a Kerendon Merchant on the board the oponent may think twice in using that unit to attack, like a psycological stun.

Seek Power is to fix power/influence problems you may have but it usually end up thrown in the market. Speaking of which

Burglarize is great, self explanatory, just like Azindel's Gift

Argenport Ringmaster is a meme card, i didn't knew what to put there that would end up being useful. Is good to have a unit in the market that is "cheap" (remember this is a Mask Deck) also it's inflitrate after an Azindel's Gift-Harsh Rule combo will practically win you the game. But again, its for the meme.

Sleepless Night is REALLY good in this deck. There will be a point where you'll have so much power that you'll probably end up with an empty hand. This fix it. When you redraw with its Revenge you'll draw 5 cards instead of 4.

This deck is open fot suggestion because is fun to play but it's not perfect. I only manage to get up to Diamond 1 with it. but im not that good of a player.



Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 3

Power Sources
15 13 13 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
6 24 26 4 11

Card Types
28 8 19 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]


November 20, 2018


Eternal Version
Bug fixes

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mauric Eternal Version: 1.40
I played against this deck yesterday. Was a really fun game. I was playing feln midrange and dropped 3-4 BSH. I ended up losing but was fun to play against!