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Classic Feln reanimator

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




A deck based on the tried and truest strategies in card games. Cheating big idiots into play via the graveyard/void/crypt/discard pile/whatever else you wanna call it.

Feln used to have a deck based on this strategy, but 1 reanimate at 5 was too clunky and slow. In Service however, is exactly what we want; redundancy and cheaper. We also have plenty of looting effects to dig to them and discard our threats.

It does come with caveats however; we can't run heroes basically. Thankfully, our top end is pretty decent even as non heroes. Scourge of Frosthome kills control and combo, Great-Kiln Titan is just gas, and Savior of the Meek kills red aggro decks. Evolving Olzial has been particularly good in this deck as well. As long with fueling our strategy by draw-discarding, it answers common hate cards like Adjudicator's Gavel, can be played reasonably as a fair threat/roadblock if we can't combo, and isn't an embarrassing reanimate target if things go sour.

No market cuz comboooooooo. Snowcrush Animist is an alternative reanimate consideration if you hate aggro.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 3 4

Power Sources
21 16 16 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 12 32 18

Card Types
26 0 24 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Homecoming [Set1005]
Buried Memories [Set1105]


February 20, 2024

February 18, 2024


Eternal Version
Battle Lines

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) February 20, 2024




sto650 Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Seems like Black-Sky Harbinger is just better than Savior of the Meek - very similar effect (minus the 1/1 chumper), and it's playable if the entire gameplan falls off the rails and you need to just play cards like normal.
241ackerman Eternal Version: 24.01.31
The power count here is pretty abysmal, considering that you’re attempting to have 4 on 4 and 5 on 5, something that’s 52% and 41% respectively. I’d say a play set of an inscribe card or a power card search is probably necessary
CardboardAddict Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Never got power screwed too much. Exploit, Cartographer, and Bottled insight often got me to power drops, but I can see your point. Injustice always sucked to play IMO so replacing it with 2 Fears killed 2 birds with one stone as being power and another ok reanimate target.
Bradifer Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Lord of the Wilds & Heavy Hail are some other options to consider too.
CardboardAddict Eternal Version: 24.01.31
Big poppa bear is unfortunately a hero :(

I did consider heavy hail for a bit, but the ability to only pitch primal cards is too limiting. Often you'll wanna pitch titan or savior rotting in hand and heavy hail can't really do that. It's definitely an option to consider though.