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Expedition Deck By


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Seems like the deck DWG printed. Plays itself really.

Ice Bolt in preference to Permafrost due to so much Endurance and Aegis going around.

Revolver on Plunk is basically game on T3.

Xultan Ambassador or Plunk into Jufi is nice, and Velise gets you there. Jada is a great blocker for opposing Plunks.

The star of the deck is a tie between Helena and Blueprints.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
15 16 8 4

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Deck Rarities
2 28 22 8 4

Card Types
28 6 14 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


December 15, 2021


Eternal Version
Cold Hunt

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efertik Eternal Version: 21.12.09
I have played a lot of Hooru, both heroic and otherwise, and I have the following thoughts:
1. Is Bless the Wild any good? The number of actually spells played on creatures is quite small, and even then you are paying 3 to negate them.
2. I know you say you liked the Blueprints, but wouldn't just playing cards with inscribe be better? In particular, it seems almost criminal not to play Hojin - he's both mana and a good 5 power play, especially when you can pump Helena.
3. I think Ice Bolt is suspect, even with the upgrade. Giving your opponent a free ramp is no joke, especially when a lot of decks have good ways to use the mana.
4. Believe it or not, I think Xultan Ambassador is very overrated. This is a tempo format, and I've beaten a lot of players who had an Ambassador out by simply concentrating on developing my board and beating down rather than just card drawing. You don't really need the card draw - you will still usually have plenty of ways to draw or filter cards.
5. Jufi is another suspect card. You aren't going for the long game here, and you don't have tons of other draw, so it's likely this card will just be a 1/3 for a long time.
Overall, Hooru is probably the best deck, but there's a lot of ways to build it. I think there are some upgrades you can put in this deck. And yes, Helena and Plunk are probably tied for the best cards in the deck.
Albie Edited Eternal Version: 21.12.09
Great insights efertik. I see you have a different take on the deck at Hooru Hero - the deck that got me to Masters. I'll take some lessons from it for sure.

1) Bless the Wild is certainly flex. I've only recently added it to combat some directed removal from Stonescar and the mirror. Even without the contract it has utility as a combat trick. Usually it ends up protecting a killing blow in the late game, when the opponent has been saving up removal for a while.
2) I haven't tried Hojan, Beloved Son, to be honest. It does look powerful. I will craft a couple and try it here.
3) There just aren't many good removal options in Hooru that don't require your opponent attacking into you outside Permafrost and Ice Bolt. What else do you suggest?
4) Ambassador typically at least replaces itself and blocks, or otherwise it can build up large card advantage over a few turns if allowed to live. It would change the character of the deck to remove Ambassador.
5) Jufi, Sprite Seer/Xultan Ambassador/Plunk Wumpkin is pretty much a package deal. If one were to remove Ambassador, Jufi would have to go as well. Note the following cards that "draw" in the deck: Xultan Ambassador, Dragon's Eye, Plunk Wumpkin, Hooru Blueprints, Velise, Bear Rider, Quinn, Master Tracker. It has generally been sufficient to pump Jufi to a decent size, but her real value lies in the Dragon's Eyes.

The deck reminds me a bit of Hooru Kira. Midrange aggro (rather than actual "real" aggro), with some card draw and evasive maneuvres. It seems to adjust very well to anything in the currently wild Expedition meta.
efertik Eternal Version: 21.12.09
Thanks for the response Albie. To answer a few of your questions:
1. Definitely try Hojan. He's great, especially when you consider it has Inscribe
2. Removal is tough. Honestly, I rely more on combat tricks (I now use Finest Hour, which has been great and weapons (which is why the Priestess is so good).
3. I've seen Ambassador cut from a number of Hooru decks recently.
4. You are right that this deck is very flexible and adaptable. Good luck with it!