Update to my previous FTP deck (https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/d/xwGYFvgT-Cw/another-howling-ftp). I've removed Collector Crow and replaced it with Corrupted Riftborn since it stands up better against Light the Beacon in a mirror match. It also has more immediate value by stopping enemy spells, whereas Crow would only pay off later if it could connect and devour for card draw. I've moved Heavy Haily out of the market and into the main deck so we can respond to aggro faster. Instead I have Lightning Storm in market now, just in case we are really desperate for a cheap wipe, but you can probably remove it and place another card of your choice in the market. Wildfire Keeper was a sideboard option in the previous deck, but I now think it's a mandatory inclusion so we can have an impactful turn 3. I removed Howling Peak because it felt like a "win more" card and I'd rather have other cards to play earlier in a game.
This deck doesn't have efficient removal for big units, so it's important not to let Wasps stay on the board. Formbend in the market can help against cheap units that grow big through Hunt or other means, but it won't stop a unit that is equipped with a weapon. You'll have to get creative and possibly stack spells or sacrifice a unit to get rid of big chonks.