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Hooru Killers (EoG edition)

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
20 21 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 9 33 13

Card Types
33 0 19 3 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Homecoming [Set1005]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]


January 23, 2021


Eternal Version
Empire of Glass

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) January 23, 2021



Makash Edited Eternal Version: 21.01.13
I don't wanna be the bad guy, but I really don't understand the upvotes here.

I've tried this deck for 10 runs now and i didnt make it to the end boss once. The main problem I ran into is the inconsistent draw: 16 Spells (which need a unit to be played on) and the base 25 Power makes 41/75 cards which are poison against the AI aggro decks. Also there is basicly nothing that can stall the game for you, when getting stuck at 2 Power at times. Hojan and Huntress are great 2 Drops, but they are just really bad if you have nothing to pair with them, Torch makes them go poof. So basicly there'S nothing til turn 3 to actually help you stall the aggro decks and that's only if u r lucky enough to draw the Preyfinder in time.
Don't get me wrong here, the deck itself is pretty solid against the AI go-wide decks, but it just is too inconsistent against the aggro ones and there's a lot of them.
Kalikulator Eternal Version: 21.01.13
I kind of feel the same way. I don’t want to play my 2-drops on T2 because I need to get the value off of them most of the time. I feel like I want some independent removal like Ice Bolt.
Watermelon Eternal Version: 21.01.13
That's fair. I think most of the upvotes are due to the fun aspect rather than the grinding.
That being said, I managed to get to gauntlet boss all the times except once when I got hightolled by stonescar aggro and lost to perfect curve into bandit queen. Im running 4 seeks to prevent screw. Stabalizimg is usually done by hojan into power into savagery to ramp and gain life.
I still agree there are definitely better decks to grind gauntlet with. I would recommend the cultist and shrine from my own decks.
zilfran Eternal Version: 21.01.13
Just ran this through a couple gauntlets. This deck is fire. Thank you for posting.
Watermelon Eternal Version: 21.01.13
You're welcome:)