Hooru Kira but nothing costs more than 3.
No need for Sediti, the Killing Steel/Velise, Bear Rider/Korovyat Palace; your efficient threats get the job done. This deck is heavily influenced by Green Is Good (Updated). Check that out if you haven't done already.
You can change the split between Fearless Crescendo, Bless the Wild and Bubble Shield anyway you want.
Don't be afraid to send in your 2 drop to get eaten after playing Tarra on it. It's worth it most of the time to get a 6/6 warcry 4 on turn 3. She's a good way to make use of our abundance of 2 drops.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Deck Rarities
17 21 23 13
Card Types
32 1 22 0 25
Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Awakening [Set1095]
Stormbreak [Set1107]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]
January 21, 2022
Eternal Version
Cold Hunt
BBCode For Comments
Deck URL
Revisions (Since last major patch) January 21, 2022