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Primal justice shadow control AKA palace shenanigans

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Currantly 14-5 on ladder going from silver 2 (start of the new season) to gold 2 in 3-4 hours over the last couple days.

So basically with Korovyat palace being a thing i wanted to make a deck strictly to abuse withstand (SO DUMB) dark return being the biggest hitter in this deck without a doubt.

Your main wincon is deathtouch unit+flyer+palace.
Deathtouch unit is just another layer of protection for palace, if you can use withstand and sack the city whilst having a flyer you'll more often than not win before seeing wisdom.

Tips and tricks.
As stated dark return will be your best friend, if you play it right.
Dont be afraid to make subpar trades or even chump block especially with valkyrie enforcer or merchant its better to save some life or remove a threat knowing you can return what you need whenever.
Plus baiting out more board commitment by chump blocking can make harsh rule plays that much sweeter.
In all honesty you'll probably not attack with ripknife assassin very often, he's mostly a ground blocker for palace but dark returning him IS a good play, dont be afraid to do so.
Winter crown+flyer is incredibly difficult to deal with, but make sure to hit with the flyer BEFORE playing crown otherwise theres a good chance it'll get equivocated.
And before anyone asks no Vara and Palace really dont clash that much, sure losing the eagis sucks but giving Vara +4/+4 is awesome and if you're really wanting the aegis just make a trade with Vara your opponent cant pass up.
The market looks pretty wonky but this isnt a combo deck everything in there is reactive to what the board looks like so playing merchants before knowing what you need is foolish.
Madness is a weird market card but its really just a game ender, soley responsible for at least 6 different wins, you'd be astonished at how many times it can just steal the game (pun heavily intended lol)
Dizos office will be grabbed 9/10 times for cut ties but the lifesteal can come incredibly clutch with a flyer on board.
Desecrate and grasping at shadows are just to fill the little niches, theres an argument for last chance instead of grasping but thats entirely up to you, personally ive been loving grasping cause voidbound can be back breaking if you NEED to dark return that unit again but with harbinger being the only unit with a higher cost than grasping -shrug-

Aggro isn't the worst, this deck has incredible longevity as long as you can get a couple blockers, merchants/assassins and a flyer its usually pretty hard for them to break your wall.
Its important to get your 7th power ASAP cause dizos office will seal the win 9/10 times.
Midrange is probably your hardest matchup, especially the pledge decks that are running around.
Lean on lost scroll to ramp and your deathtouch units to ward off early plays and hopefully get a harbinger+palace on board, otherwise theres a good chance they'll out pace you.
And lastly with control you really want to play the card value game.
Assume they have a board wipe the whole game so dont commit more than 2 units at any given time.
Winter crown and burglarize really shine in this matchup; they play a pit? Steal that crap, they have +2 card advantage on you? Start getting a free draw end of turn.
It can suck if they chain brilliant ideas, a good rule of thumb is if they have +6 card advantage it might be time to cut your loss and get on with the next game.

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as i have :) cheers.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
11 14 14 14

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Deck Rarities
12 19 26 12

Card Types
21 2 26 6 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Homecoming [Set1005]


April 5, 2019


Eternal Version

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