EDIT: Updated for Set 5. Display of ambition is perfect for this deck, as it's a half-cost smuggler's stash AND fixes the problem with chump blockers. The shugo standards may have room to be cut back.
"A Single Spear Leads the Fight"
- Telut
The original deck is based around attacking with a single unit each turn (our single spear), getting buffed by Oathbook, then continuously bringing back threats from the void while keeping the enemy board clear. The new card
Telut, Queen's Hand fits perfectly into this deck.
Our main units all have at least two of the three skills we want; charge, lifesteal, and revenge. The rest of the cards help clear the board, dig out our destiny units, or bring our destiny units back from the void.
We also have some cards to give our single spear unblockable and/or overwhelm in order to get that last little bit of damage through for lethal.
The deck continues to struggle against flyers, Teacher of Humility, and relic removal, so I don't ever expect it to be very competitive. However it's still a blast to play and I highly recommend it for when you're getting annoyed by removal-heavy decks.