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Cost Curve




Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
17 19 11

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Deck Rarities
22 20 13 12

Card Types
23 3 24 0 25


May 1, 2018

January 4, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

BBCode For Comments

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Revisions (Since last major patch) May 1, 2018



reignn Eternal Version: 1.31.6
I've been playing this list on the lower rungs of the ladder for a few months (don't get much playtime in to climb seriously), it's a little more aggro than you're list. Would you recommend crafting four copies of Jotun Feast-Caller? He seems pretty popular and I've been looking for a fun new legendary to play with.
LightsOutAce Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Feast-Caller is very good in this style of deck, especially when protected by Kaleb's Choice, but he still isn't an essential part of a tier 1 deck yet. If you want to have fun, though, Feast-Caller is definitely a good craft!
OjackRN Eternal Version: 1.29
I absolutely love spellcrag! It was and has been by far my favorite list to run when you first posted the article about it! If you want I can try to see what spin I can make on it?
LightsOutAce Eternal Version: 1.29
I'd love to have more people iterating on it!
OjackRN Eternal Version: 1.29
Alright, so I've been experimenting and I couldn't find an optimal version in sky crag. I did however find a very solid place for Jotun Feast Caller in an Elysian tempo/midrange that I think you'll like. It has a similar spirit to spellcrag and in this control meta, has been excellent to play. Tell me what you think of this?
lazypurple Edited Eternal Version: 1.29
Hey just made an account to tell you I had a lot of fun playing this deck and made some changes you might be interested in.

I noticed the biggest issue was consistency of board-presence. When behind, the deck can't catch up vs aggro and can't pressure hard enough vs control. To fix this I did -4 Strategize, -1 Wisdom, -3 Kaleb's Choice, +4 Snowcrust yeti, +1 Vadius, +2 Poly, +1 Levitate (too good with eilyn's/powderglider not to run 4) Edit: I just replaced the polymorphs with permafrosts since 8 of our units die to 1/1 frogs and we have obliterate for titan. Might need room for a 4th obliterate now we'll see

The Snowcrusts perform wonderfully. Versus faster decks they are a surefire blocker that doesn't get torched, and versus passive control it stresses their aegis poppers/life total which this deck cares more about than warcries (oni)

Curious what you think but it's had me floating around rank 300 masters playing for fun
eljeffedemagico Eternal Version: 1.28
do you still play this? how has it worked for you? thinking about crafting kaleb for fun
LightsOutAce Eternal Version: 1.28
I actually played it yesterday, unfortunately not to much success. Trying out the 3/1 Overwhelm yeti over Powderglider currently. Kaleb is a great card looking for a home.