Absolutely amazingly fun combo deck. I modified it from a net deck I found right here. First change was to make the deck faster with less depleted playedppp power. Second was to add some sweepers to deal with the aggro decks. Third was to add redundancy and consistency for finding the combo.
The wincon Combo is as follows:
Iceberg shattershot + tome of horror + cheering section. Then use cheering section to sac all the totemites and find a way to have OP mill one more card to restart combo. Usually good enough for the win. Either mil if u have multiple tome or kill with damage.
Prixis + cheering section + means to an end. Self mil deal 25 damage but this is a secondary wincon
Third wincon is Tome of Horror and kill them with their own cards. Last wincon. Card advantage.
Open for comments and changes.
Known problem is that the combo loop takes some time due to animation and DWD needs to increase animation speed or reset the timer when the loop resets. This is out of our control and has lost me some games.
Deck will take some practice to get use to the strategy. Some helpful tips:
start selecting totemites to sac before the loop ends to save time.
When searching market, if you need cheering section and scattershot, take the scattershot first because you can tutor the cheering section.
The your main power are red and black. You will need two of them to cast all your spells. Malediction, demand death. You only need one blue and one yellow.
Next steps is to build in anti-combo hate cards protection. May not be worth it but discard effects hurt.