Testing out some of the new toys from Valley Beyond, all the Rakano stuff looks to tend towards a more midrange game plan. This deck shifts an aggro deck away from 1 drops and towards more of a top end with Hojan, Ijin, and magniventris.
Update after a bit: dropped Ijin (too slow, win-more), added in bullseyes to double up on relic hate and add some more early removal. Inferno phoenix is a flex spot at the moment, I think you could reasonably cut it for something cheaper (Varbuk or another campaign card, maybe).
1) Bullseye - do you really need that much relic removal?
2) Draconic Looting - don't get this one. In my experience you need to be at least at 5 power to use this well, and your deck isn't that slow. If you want a card with Inscribe, I'd suggest Wyatt.
3) Overall, I'm not sure that Rakano is the best midrange deck - that's probably Hooru or maybe even Combrei. Rakano, aggro, on the other hand, still is quite good.
2) Fair, I don't have a ton of experience with Wyatt; though the deck just might not need fire inscribes as much at this point.
3) you don't have to tell me that Rakano aggro is good :p. Part of this was an exercise to see if Ijin was viable in expedition (I don't think she really is), part of this was me wanting to pivot away from 1-drop aggro a bit after seeing Magniventris come out and with Rakano not having great ways to deal with something with 5 health. At least on ladder, midrange has still been successful, but I'll probably continue tuning as the meta shakes out a bit more.