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Gauntlet Deck By


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In order to be succesfull in Gauntlet, you need to limit the amount of variety you can stumble upon. The only real benefit in gauntlet is if you can go 7-0 consistently.
Decks relying on certain cards to do well are inarguably going to end up not drawing those certain cards a % of times and will end runs prematurely, wasting time.
Also a to big variety in the types of cards you run (spells/items/relics/creatures) will end up giving you to many games where you draw to many of the one or the other, ending up in losses.
This deck is called Beef, because most of the cards are overstatted creatures. If you dont draw one, you will draw the other. The rest of the cards are there to make sure you get them and can cast them.
The decks current record is 21 7-0 runs, 7 runs that ended before that, 2 of which in the last game, where the special benefit of All Creatures get Charge, was to much for it. That is in my opinion the hardest AI deck to play against (with this deck), but I have also beaten it, so it is by no means a certain loss.
It is not a beginner deck, considering it features a wopping 23 Legendaries, if you are just starting and want a decent deck for the Gauntlet check out some of my other cheaper Gauntlet decks.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
17 16 8

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Deck Rarities
14 15 6 23

Card Types
40 0 10 0 25


February 8, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

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