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Rakano Aegis Midrange

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Credit to Zubr for Sheriff Marley idea in his Rakano Agro M deck.

This deck was a game changer for me. I went from Silver III to Diamond II with Warhelm Rakano Aggro (Post Patch Update!). However, with extreme aggro I suffered against a ton of removal and lifesteal units. And then I stumbled upon Rakano Agro M and went from Diamon II to Master in a matter of hours.

I suspect the combination of Sheriff Marley and Crownwatch Paladin is going to affect the meta in a way that forces people to have more units on the board (less favourable matches to control) or relic weapons. Sheriff Marley is also great vs super aggro matches as it provides a good defensive drop as well as an ability to pump out units for chump blocking.

With Aegis being the name of the game, Deepforged Plate and all of the other attachments are going to get a lot more value.

The big difference between my deck and the one of Zubr is to tech out a couple of units and attachments in favour of Crownwatch Paladin. I also made some different market choices.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
19 20 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
18 18 32 1

Card Types
30 14 9 0 27

Aggro Midrange

February 7, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Zubr Edited Eternal Version: 1.43
About market
Bore can discard CURSED RELIC also as enemy attachments.
Marley + Inquisitor's Blade is more strong than elder's feather.
(Smuggler take Blade->Marley-> 7 flying damage with destiny)
I try avigraft and find that is useless in many games because flying restriction.

P.S. Add some Crownwatch Paladins in my deck next month. :-)
Deividas Eternal Version: 1.43
Yeah, I must agree with you - will do some more testing, but likely that I'll switch for your recommendations!