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Tradition Garrison

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Been tweaking this list and took it to Masters this month. It went through several iterations with an overall decent winrate. Notably this latest version cut Permafrost and Winchest Merchant, playing a Transpose market instead.

Unlike the aggro Tradition Soldiers variants with Shock Troops and Daru Lee, we have the Bastion Garrison+Hardiness combo to generate Fresh Recruit tokens at fast speed. I mentioned cutting Perma, so our removal of choice (besides Maveloft Huntress) is Fluctuate Reality, which has the upside of dealing with Rolant, Iron Tyrant and occasionally buffing up our own units (though they often lose the soldier buff in the process. Fluctuate at your own risk!). Permafrost can be nice insurance against Equalize decks, however.

There are two big upsides to a Transpose market and one small one. The one small one is making an already good matchup slightly better: the aegis-focused version of Hooru Control. The main upsides are fast speed aegis to protect our Garrison from removal or our hand from Exploitation and the ability to put any card from our hand into our market and shuffle 4 extra copies in with Wasteland Broker (be mindful of your Genetor Dovid I plays post-Broker). Speaking of the market, Sharp Tactician could be in the main deck, but I find Onoris Roa more generally useful, though both are great 4-drop soldiers. You could definitely swap those two around. Onoris's ability is very relevant with Flash Fry and Vicious Overgrowth in a lot of lists.

We could be running Overgrowth as an extra amplify card and an easier way to deal with Lord Steyer's Tower/The Speaking Circle. I've kind of talked myself into it, so I'll have to tinker with the deck even further. Hooru Control and Creation Vulk are good matchups, while Stonescar and Mono-Fire Aggro are often a bit too fast. Know Thy Enemy in general is tough for this deck, but fortunately we can repopulate the board with Bastion Garrison, however Vision Value is the one deck that can both wipe our board and kill our value engine with Send an Agent, a card that made me consider Transpose in the first place (that and everyone and their mum runs Exploit, myself included).

Not a spectacular/absurd winrate overall (under 60%), but I think with the latest changes to the market there is more tweaking/testing to be done and definitely optimization to be made. While we are technically in Diana, Faith's Shield colors (and she costs 4), Justice is really our splash color for Hifos, Reach Captain, Argo Ironthorn, Janitor David, and our other market cards, so four pips is asking a bit much. Daring Swordmaster is a consideration, as we both care about Amplify and Soldiers, but it is otherwise a very unimpressive body, and if you're playing a turn 1 Transpose then you won't get the fate effect. Rain of Frogs and Citywide Ban are two disruptive cards that often find their way into my markets and are the other strong contenders.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
14 10 14 16 3

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Deck Rarities
14 22 22 4 12

Card Types
29 5 20 1 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Buried Memories [Set1105]


March 8, 2021


Eternal Version
Buried Memories

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