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Masters Rakano Aggro

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




My current main ranking deck, up to Masters, Comments welcome.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
14 15 8 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 23 28 2

Card Types
32 11 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


May 16, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



CertifiedBronze Eternal Version: 1.46.3
Interesting take on do you justify the Copperhall Bailiff?
AJ_Impy Eternal Version: 1.46.3
A cheap and effective way of changing combat math in your favor whilst still providing a decent warcry body, and popping aegises en masse.. The main competitor for the slot is Valkyrie Enforcer.
RumblerX Eternal Version: 1.46.3
Has no one caught on to impatient pyromage yet? The card is nuts.
Sr1r4cha_ Eternal Version: 1.46.3
I've tried it on a similar deck of mine and it is a dead weight on turn 2-4. Playing it on later turns will eat some precious Rakano mana which otherwise could've been used on a staple. Yeah, top-decking Warcry-ed card/Torch/Finest Hour(for Kira) is sweet, but most of the time Impatient Pyromage will just stand there wondering why he discarded that sigil of yours.
AJ_Impy Eternal Version: 1.46.3
I've certainly considered it, aggro decks running out of steam is an issue, but there's not a great deal of synergy here, and getting a Warhelm, Finest Hour or Shugo Tactic after combat (or a power if you played one beforehand to trigger Hojan) is somewhat counterproductive. The deck tends to want to drop creatures before combat to make use of charge or the commando pump. Definitely an option to bear in mind, in a less equip- and targeted spell-heavy build.
ReflectingMyDescent Eternal Version: 1.46.3
1 kira and 1 kimmo. pretty weird deck I think but nice that it works for you.
WinterWolf1297 Eternal Version: 1.46.3
In AJ_Impy's hands any pile will due.